Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Little Catch Up

I can't believe that it has been since Halloween since I have blogged. So, as a special gift for all of you out there, who still haven't completely given up on my blog, here is a summary of the last six months, and there are tons and tons of pictures coming in a numerous amount of posts.

November: We hosted our first Thanksgiving. I successfully cooked my first turkey and fed 12 happy people. I also turned the big 30. Still don't feel old, even though if you look close I am getting grey hair.

December: We went to Utah for a couple of weeks. Hunter hated the snow but loved being completely spoiled by everyone.


January: Being seven months pregnant nothing much happened.

February: Being 8 months pregnant I sat on the couch in between nesting projects while trying to entertain Hunter.

March: Popped out a 10 lb. 7 ounce baby. (Birth story coming soon)

April: Finally blogged again.

My men on Easter Sunday


  1. Yay! You blogged! Love and miss you. :)

  2. Are these seriously the first real pictures I've seen of this kid? Can't believe it. He's real cute. And can't believe you birthed a child that large. I am proud of you. Can't wait for more pictures!

  3. Now that's how you catch up.
    Love it!
