Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Eternal Catchup Game

Lately, us Jones' have been quite busy. Here in Glendale, time just keeps zipping by, barely giving us time to catch our breath. Hunter continues to be the center of our universe. Watching him grow up is amazing. He is such a little ball of energy and personality it's almost impossible to get mad at him as he continually terrorizes our house.

Before I get carried away with stories and pictures of Hunter, here is the brief summary of what else is going on in our lives. Jared is still going to school. Some days it seems he will never graduate, but in three years when he does, we will look back and think time flew by. In his limited spare time he is still driving school buses and being an incredible father. Hunter and I love his job, because we get to see him during his long lunch breaks everyday. As soon has Hunter hears the back door open he sprints/waddles towards it laughing with excitement in anticipation knowing his dad is home.

I am just struggling with trying to find the balance with motherhood, trying to grow a baby and somehow keeping our house clean. The never ending pile of dishes is always there next to the ever growing pile of laundry. Hunter tries to be helpful, but it never quite works. Luckily the broom is one of his favorite toys, and I can't wait for the day when he can actually use it. Now for this alien of a baby growing inside of me, it zaps all my energy but there is hope in life: I am FINALLY not nauseous all of the time!! Tune in later this week for the big gender reveal!!

Now for some quick big moments in our lives: A couple of weeks ago we went to our ward camp out in Munds Park, AZ. (It's 20 minutes south of Flagstaff). Being up in the pine trees and fresh air made us question our sanity of moving from Flagstaff, to Glendale but somehow we managed to make it back down to the city and back to the reality of our lives. Camping was sure a very interesting experience with a crazy little toddler. Hunter wore a dirt goatee most of the time. He would always have a rock in each hand. He would put one in his mouth and then look at me innocently with a smile on his face right after it would go in his mouth. As soon as I would take it out, the next hand went immediately to his mouth with that rock he had stock piled. He must have needed the iron or something found in those rocks. Campfire hot dogs and smores were delicious and singing around the campfire was healing for the soul. The night was rough because we were all cold, but after Hunter decided he was comfortable monopolizing my sleeping bag he slept great. Apparently Hunter didn't care if I was cold or tired, so I just woke Jared up and made him keep me warm.

 And a big moment in little Hunter's life. Yesterday he had his first haircut. He went from looking like a shaggy little baby to an adorable toddler in the matter of minutes. It was a struggle keeping him still enough for the hair cut, but luckily our hair stylist is amazing (Thanks Jen). Between food and a super cool electronic book she was able to keep Hunter still enough just to get the job done. Now hopefully, all the strangers in the world won't get him confused as a little girl anymore.

The Before
The After


  1. He is soooo cute! Good luck with finding energy to keep going. You are amazing!

  2. Hunter looks so different, like such a big boy! Great pictures! And you're a good writer. :)

  3. love that sweeping pic! Learn them young :)

    I have to say again, he was no doubt my most well behaved 15 month old client EVER!

  4. He looks so cute with his haircut! I love it!
