Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Alaskan Story

Today was monumental, I unpacked the last suitcase from Alaska. It only took just over 24 days after getting back from our incredible summer adventure. I'm feeling pretty good about myself. For those of you who want the quick summary of Alaska here it is. If you want a more detailed summary invite us over for dinner. We'll bring dessert.

This summer was a whirlwind of adventure. At the beginning of the summer Jared and I had both planned on driving tour buses. I would only drive short in town drives, and Jared would get to travel the glorious state. Once we got up there I realized, I didn't even want to to drive, for fear of not being accessible to Hunter, in case the imaginable happened, so I ended up applying for an office job, and getting it. I worked 4 easy days a week and loved it. Jared got to do the amazing tours of the rugged side of Alaska.

When we were there we lived with this little old lady who rents out an extra bedroom for the summer. I had lived with her for a previous summer, so it was a perfect setup. She adopted Hunter as a grandkid and completely spoiled him. We were able to use her car, which made the summer so much easier than it would have been. It was interesting, to say the least, to get the continual advice on how to raise Hunter from a little old lady.

Overall, this summer was nothing like I expected. I knew Jared would be out of town a lot on tours, but I had forgotten how much. I hadn't expected to sit at a computer manipulated excel spreadsheets four days a week, but now I am an expert. Alaska is a whole different place with an little toddler, compared to being there as a young single adult, or even while you are dating the most gorgeous man on earth.  But it was a whole other level of greatness. Our little family had tons of small adventures and really learned and grew. And the little alien of a baby, inside of me, grew the most.

Now for the long awaited pictures. 

I escaped for a leisure float down the Kenai River where we floated past 3 bears feeding on salmon and at least 10 bald eagles.
Hunter and I chilling after a long day of whale watching where we saw Orcas, Humpbacks, sea lions, sea otters, calving glaciers and every type of exotic Alaskan bird possible.
Jared overlooking the breathtaking Turnagain Arm right outside of Anchorage.

Hunter really cruised in style.
Alaskan grass always tastes the best.


  1. I would like to invite you over for dinner, but it might have to wait until Thanksgiving. I love the pictures!

  2. This is an official invite for dinner. you can stop in Cedar City on your way up to Jenny.

  3. I love that picture of you and Hunter! Totally cute!

  4. Glad you had such a beautiful time, but we are glad you're back for selfish reasons.
